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About Suzanne

Suzanne Mahon

 Suzanne is an intuitive healer and Crystal Keeper, her unique understanding and sincere regard for earths' precious crystal resources has developed over time to become her life's path.  A sense of holding a powerful book within our hands yet being unable to decipher it's language, knowing but not fully understanding,  this feeling is what led her on her wonderful journey of both spirit and knowledge gaining qualifications in many holistic techniques that complement and strengthen each other.  Each chapter in the book revealing itself and leading her on to the next chapter,  from Reiki to Sivananda Yoga, Advanced Crystal Therapy to IET.
Suzanne  holds Crystal, IET and Psychic Development workshops in addition to one to one readings using a mix of Angel, Crystal and Soul cards.  Under Suzanne's guided tutelage incorporating her many different holistic techniques students can begin or continue to decode the books that we all carry on our paths of the journey of our lives, to heal, balance and understand the energies within and around us.